What to Expect


Water Upgrade Expectations

100% for sure you will notice a difference the first day..

Skin and Hair

Higher quality of water offers multiple benefits for skin and hair health.

 Enhances skin hydration and smoothness by preventing the drying effects of regular water, which can leave a residue or "ash" and make skin feel dry and tight. Also, higher quality of water retain natural skin oils, preventing conditions like dryness and eczema. For hair, a higher quality of water improves shine and strength, whereas regular water can make hair dull and brittle. A higher quality water supports a healthy scalp by alleviating dryness and reducing itchiness.

Skin and Hair

Soaps and Detergents

A higher quality of water, exhibits superior cleaning efficacy compared to raw water.

 This is evident in reduced soap and detergent usage for various tasks such as showering, laundry, and dishwashing, where a high quality of water requires only half the amount needed in raw to produce a rich lather. The chemical makeup of raw water hinders the effectiveness of soaps and detergents by forming soap scum upon contact. In contrast, a high quality of water, free from these minerals, allows detergents to perform optimally.  Beyond soap and detergent savings, the efficiency of cleaning in better water also translates to energy conservation, as washing machines can achieve effective stain removal with cold water, offering both economic and environmental benefits.

Bar Soap

Improved Laundry and Dish Cleanliness

Typically, when washing with raw water, clothes tend to lose their vibrancy and look worn-out, with whites turning dull and colors fading. Similarly, dishes and glassware may lose their shine. In contrast, a higher quality of water preserves the visual appeal of clothing and kitchenware. This is attributed to the effective mixing a better water with soap and detergents, resulting in a superior cleaning performance. Additionally, using a higher quality of water contributes to significantly prolonging the durability of both your clothes and kitchen utensils.


Minimize Cleaning Effort

Many of us are accustomed to exerting extra effort during cleaning tasks. A higher quality of water tends to simplify the process by facilitating the removal of dirt throughout the house, and it excels in rinsing without leaving streaky residues. In contrast, raw water makes it challenging to create a robust lather for effective dirt and stain removal. On smooth surfaces, raw water can lead to a spotty appearance.


Enhance Your Water Heater's Performance

The presence of scale in water poses a threat to the efficiency of your water heating system, as it contributes to the accumulation of scum and scale deposits that may lead to blockages and damage your boiler. Scale essentially acts as an additional insulation layer, hindering the efficient transfer of heat into the water. These deposits are notorious for significantly reducing boiler efficiency, sometimes by as much as 50%. Even a minor deposit can result in a heat efficiency loss of up to 12%. Over time, the use of a higher quality of water in your system will gradually dissolve away the scale, effectively resolving the issue.

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